Preparing Brings Peace of Mind and Strength of Body
It's a bit of an odd question, "How do I prepare?" I know there are a lot of things that we all have done to prepare for staying healthy. How are you preparing to get sick? I believe that many of us will not catch COVID-19, but preparation will bring us peace of mind and strength of body. I'll talk more about this below.
Today we would've been waking up in a California campground, but instead I had to go and ruin everybody's Summer vacation by putting us all in lock-down ;-] Here's a report of the state of our family, today's immune boosters, and other hopefully helpful topics.
Tell me your health story. Sometimes asking a question out loud leads you to answers. How can I help?
July 10, 2020
COVID, Day 8: How I Prepared (3:41)
Preparing brings peace of mind and strength of body
First of all, I didn't plan to catch COVID-19. At the same time I'm pretty sure there are currently no vaccines, medicines or biohacks that prevent anybody from catching it. How can I help you? I’ve found good strength from journaling my thoughts and experiences. And I’m grateful to have friends and family to share with. As you’ve sent thoughts and prayers our way, I’ve heard from a few of you that my posts feel like a response to or result of those prayers. I hope this feels a bit like a 2-way conversation. Thank you, it makes me very happy when you check up.
How can you feel prepared?
I still find good motivation in the concept of “depositing” body benefits into my future self. My deposits are in the forms of eating real food, meditation, good sleep, building my business, time with Heather and our kids, playtime, and getting outdoors. I ALWAYS schedule "me" time. Those are my main "deposits." I never know if I'll be making withdrawals on those deposits in a matter of months or years. I guess that's my primary mode of feeling prepared.
What questions of yours can I help answer? Or maybe I could pull in some resources to help bring you some answers. It’s sometimes valuable to know somebody else is at least thinking about your question. Asking out loud can force you to formulate questions in a way that you can find your own answers. Vote for one or more:
- Zoom chat?
- Facebook Live?
- Topic-based posts?
- Stick with daily posts/videos?
- Other?
Home Feels Different, but Good
It’s quiet around here. I sometimes wonder why, but then I remember it’s not so quiet for our kids with their all-day earbuds and electronics. I don’t mind the tranquility. I enjoy the shouts and squeaks from our young neighbor kids playing yard games. They remind me of normalcy. I feel love in our home. I pretty much always have, but this week I feel something I would maybe describe as a reverent tension. Like waiting out a silent storm with some reassurance that we’re all here together.

My attention has been focused primarily on how I could possibly keep from spreading this pervasive virus to Heather and our 4 kids. Their ages range from 10 to 21, so we’re all old enough to appreciate the weight of the situation. I share the main floor bathroom with one of our kids, and I’ll Clorox spray the toilet, handles, and light switches after each visit. I’ll steam the shower and floor after each shower, which is honestly infrequent, based on my inability to smell my own odors (still no sense of smell)—but family members are maintaining a safe scent-free radius. I try to use my own garbage bag separate from other household garbage cans. If we gather at meal time I’ll open the screen door and eat from the deck so I can be a part of conversations. I’ll try to get a game of backyard golf chipping going with the boys. I’ve considered many times suggesting catch, slip-n-slide, an indoor marble track, sidewalk chalk, etc. but we all seem to be finding ways of occupying our time. And that’s okay with me.
I Cracked the Gardening Code!
I get it now, yard care and gardening require time more than skill. That comes as a relief to me. My yard work amounts to just 30 minutes a day, but I can see the difference that daily attention has made. I’ve involved the kids in watering dead spots, and Heather helped with mowing on Wednesday. Heather usually beats me to dog poop duty.
Today's Immune Boosters
Another 10-minute sunrise meditation! Also, I’m on day 8 of my daily 18-hour intermittent fasting month. I haven’t spoken much on this topic, but I think daily fasting has been one of my strongest assets through my recovery time. I'll dedicate more to that topic in a future post. And I added near infrared therapy today. We've owned a 4-person far infrared sauna for quite a few years. There are good immunity and detoxing benefits that some from sweating and absorbing far infrared wavelengths.
We also recently picked up a 4-light near infrared panel from SaunaSpace that offers zero-EMF near-infrared penetration deeper into my skin and tissues. I’m not one to generally notice direct benefits from it—or from other biohacking tools for that matter—but I still find good motivation in the concept of “depositing” body benefits into my future self. Probably a bit nerdy, I confess. At any rate, I’m sticking with other vitamins and supplements as I’ve shared in earlier posts.
Today's Symptoms
I have good energy, ready to take on a garden shed organizing project and whatever else might be calling my attention within earshot of my fenced fortress -]
What does Oura think?
All in all, I'm tracking well with my overnight vitals and daily activity. My Oura Ring reported an overall readiness score of 84, which is 5 or 10 points above normal for me. Still trying to crack the good sleep code, after oer a year and a half of following Oura's sleep reports.