Daily Routines, State of the Family
Hi, all. It's Day 6 since testing positive for COVID-19. Still no sense of smell or taste, and a couple of days ago I developed skin rashes. Yep, that's on the list as a possible symptom. My overall energy has been good, and I have more details on that below. Before this diagnosis I had never focused so much on the day-to-day. We still have taxes to finish, kids' jobs in limbo, summer projects, and back-to-school planning. I think my brain is preserving healing energy by keeping me focused on the day-to-day for now.
I took some time to share some thoughts from our 4 children as we're all very much in this together, for better or worse. See below.
Skin rashes showed up. Unlike influenza, COVID-19 affects a lot of body systems.
July 8, 2020
COVID, Day 6: A Day in the Life (4:42)
Routines are good. Breaking them up is good too.
My daily routine isn't drastically different than a typical world pandemic day, other than not getting out for a trail run or dropping in for some local grocery produce. I also miss my morning walks with Heather to the Jr. High. I feel that my daily routine changed more dramatically when the world went into quarantine than with this week's wellness protocol. We've certainly been more dialed into optimizing our supplements, and I've shared some details below.
Our brains appreciate a good routine. Routines can reduce a lot of stress. Shaking routines up can help too.
My Daily Routine
- 7 am: Sunrise meditation and HRV heart monitoring
- Hydration and a few supplements
- Check in with Heather on the state of...everything. Daily health report to our extended family.
- 8 am: Work, à la work-from-home mode. I own a marketing firm, and my staff has more than carried their weight as I take it easy this week.
- Check on family's symptoms. Check in on social media.
- 12 pm: Sun exposure for Vitamin D boost (15-20 min.)
- 1 pm: Lunch and supplements
- Afternoon work
- 4 pm-ish: Nap (...and I'm never a napper)
- Wrap up some work projects, check in with the family, social media.
- 6 pm: Dinner and backyard cardio (trampolining, yard work)
- Cold shower
- Evening activities, social media, play piano and guitar, walk the dog—backyard style
- 10 pm: Wind down with blue light blockers to boost melatonin

Checking In With the Kids
We would have been heading out for some California camping and a lakehouse tomorrow, but clearly our plans have changed as we stay home to weather this virus. I asked our kids how each of them is coping with all of these changes:
I've inadvertently delayed our 16-yr-old from getting his driver's license for an extra 2 weeks. He was recently hired at his first-ever job, only to be furloughed for the indefinite future.
Our 17-yr-old is also furloughed from her part-time job as a restaurant server. She seems to be coping with our sorry state for the time being. The situation stresses her out, but she's optimistic
Our 10-yr-old would love for this whole year to be behind him. I can't imagine how he must be interpreting this entire ordeal, all the way back to March with world quarantine, a local earthquake, the move to a new city, etc. Remember how it was when you were 10? Little things were monumental, and a casual comment becomes the focus of attention for days.
Our oldest is fortunate to have sick pay as she waits this thing out. She brings up a good point; if we rotate through this virus within our household then we may not be cleared from family isolation for weeks on end. Having the virus in the house doesn't stress her out too much. She figures she'll likely pick up the virus, but is still our best mask-wearer around here!
Today's Immune Boosters
I'll say it again: everybody has different vitamin deficiencies and supplemental needs. Here's where I've been dialing in, with the help of Heather and others.
- Baby aspirin (to address microclotting)
- NAC, to increase glutathione
- Biotoxin binder (CellCor)
- Melatonin, half-lozenge
- Lysine
- Zinc, 50 mg (NOW)
- Vitamin D2, D3, 2,000 iu (Primal Blueprint)
- Natural Vitamin D 12,000 iu (Under noon-day sun)
- CoQ-10, natural—beef organ meats
- Vitamin B-12, tincture (Garden of Life)
- Cat's Claw, tincture (Nature's Answer)
- MSM Turmeric Devil's Claw compound, 750 mg (Solaray)
- Red light therapy, 10 min. (near infrared)
- Cold shower (yes, that's an immune booster)
CONTINUED (not always daily)
Today's Symptoms
I still have no taste and smell, and I hear that it can be weeks before that returns. Skin rashes showed up on my arms yesterday. They look like mosquito bites. They can supposedly be itchy, but that has not yet been an issue for me. Overall my energy has been good, and I deliberate it to increased daily calories.
What does Oura think?
My Oura Ring shows that my overnight body temperature is still a bit high, though I feel no fever symptoms. Oura shows steady improvement in my HRV scores and only a slightly elevated overnight heart rate.